Our Services

We cater to all types of Sanatan Pooja! Santan Dharma has a diverse definition of various Sansakar related to human life. Starting from birth and ending with flaming the pyre.


In Vedic/Sanatan Dharm/Hinduism marriage is called Vivah and is one of the 16 Sanskars. A man and a woman undergo this Vivah-Sanskar and thus enter the Gruhast-ashram stage of life.

Gruh Pravesh Pooja

Gruh Pravesh Pooja has great significance in Hinduism. A Gruh Pravesh Pooja is enchanting syllables to receive blessings from the Vastu lord and other Gods.

Vastu Poojan

Vastu Poojan is chanting syllables to receive blessings from the Vastu lord for prosperity and success. It directly impacts your life and family.


The engagement procession is the pre-marriage ring ceremony where the bride and groom exchange rings and commitment for life.There are special prayers and blessings sought from elders for happy married life.

Baby Shower

The most pleasant feeling is welcoming a new member to the family. Procreation is the biggest blessing to Humans. There is a significant ritual in Sanatan Dharma for Baby Showers. Getting blessings and blissful vibrations helps develop a great emotional shield to baby.

Horoscope & Match Making

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Horoscope & Match Making

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores.

After Death Rituals

There are many rituals and sanskaras to be performed after death as per Hinduism for the peaceful journey of the soul to heaven. This include

  1. Maran Kriya
  2. 4th Day pooja
  3. Garu Puran Slokas
  4. 13th Day pooja
  5. Pinda Daan
  6. Barasi

Maran (Funeral) Pooja

In Vedic/Sanatan Dharm/Hinduism marriage is called Vivah and is one of the 16 Sanskars. A man and a woman undergo this Vivah-Sanskar and thus enter the Gruhast-ashram stage of life.

Pitaru Tarpan (Ancestor Liberation Pooja)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt .